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ABCカードで遊ぼう! / What's in the Cards?

This resource book for teachers, available in both English and Japanese editions, presents more than 52 games and activities to play using alphabet cards. It is divided into three sections: 1) Letter Recognition and Alphabetical Order; 2) Phonics and Sound Discrimination; and 3) Vocabulary and Spelling. While most of the activities in the first two sections are best used with children, many of the activities in the third section also work well with adult learners.


For further information and resources, visit the publisher's website

Components ISBN Price  

ABAX Miniature Letter Cards


¥450 + tax



¥1,895 + tax

ABCカードで遊ぼう! + 2 ABC Card packs set


¥2,795 + tax

What's in the Cards?


¥1,980 + tax

What's in the Cards? + 2 ABC Card packs set


¥2,880 + tax